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RE: Sanity check

It work great.  the only problem is that it is illegal and you will be
charged (no pun intended) with maintaining a public hazard.  It is a
booby trap and no matter how much the police sympathize with you the DA
will try to put you in jail, you are also liable civilly.  As crazy as
all this sounds it is the law (that's why we have thieves).  Have the
lights go off and don't use any camera.  Make sure the thing is wired in
some way to be perceived as accidental.  Hire a good lawyer.  Delete all
this E-mail and hope for the best.  Good luck.  

PS.  Use higher voltage and lower amps.  An auto coil to a 12 volt
supply works well (about 40,000 Volt) and can conduct well.  Make the
car body the other half of the circuit  (you'll have to change all the
grounds).  The results are great.  It is really and alarm with teeth.
Don't worry about an audio output, you'll hear the scream.  It won't
kill them but they will never want to touch your  car again.


John D. Schenato

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Todd Young [SMTP:tyoung@wamnet.com]
> Sent:	Monday, August 10, 1998 5:55 AM
> To:	Phil Payne; quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject:	Re: Sanity check
> Phil Payne wrote:
> > It doesn't.  He knows the light will go on, and doesn't seem to
> care.
> > When the alarm went off, I leapt out of bed and got to the window
> > within ten seconds.  He was gone, but the floodlight was
> illuminating
> > his workplace.
> >
> Hey Phil, maybe try using a soaker hose to keep the drive wet and
> then have 220v charging a high voltage capacitor, hooked up to the
> motion sensor. Here's the effect. Thief walks up, notices the
> driveway is wet, doesn't care, walks toward car, trips motion
> detector, light comes on illuminating thief doing a very wacky
> dance as he/she gets electrocuted. Sounds like justice to me!
> Just for added kicks, have a flash camera hooked up to the same
> motion detector to capture the "Kodak" moment.
> --
> Todd Young              WAM!NET Inc.
> tyoung@wamnet.com       6100 West 110th Street
> 612-886-5051            Bloomington, MN 55438-2664
> 800-585-1133 ext.5051   http://www.wamnet.com/