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Re: Sanity check

I contemplated something like this a while back, I was in the midst of
installing an electric fence for someone and got this unbelievably
rediculous parking ticket (some $130 for parking in a fire zone, except
I wasn't).  I had to pay it (did I mention they also towed me?) and then
it took almost a month to get my money back.  I came very close to
making the body of my car (or at least the windshield wipers) one half
of a high-voltage circuit...........

That's *my* kind protection...

"Hey Elliott, isn't that your car alarm?"

he he

"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines."
	-- Unknown

John Schenato wrote:
> It work great.  the only problem is that it is illegal and you will be
> charged (no pun intended) with maintaining a public hazard.  It is a
> booby trap and no matter how much the police sympathize with you the DA
> will try to put you in jail, you are also liable civilly.  As crazy as
> all this sounds it is the law (that's why we have thieves).  Have the
> lights go off and don't use any camera.  Make sure the thing is wired in
> some way to be perceived as accidental.  Hire a good lawyer.  Delete all
> this E-mail and hope for the best.  Good luck.
> PS.  Use higher voltage and lower amps.  An auto coil to a 12 volt
> supply works well (about 40,000 Volt) and can conduct well.  Make the
> car body the other half of the circuit  (you'll have to change all the
> grounds).  The results are great.  It is really and alarm with teeth.
> Don't worry about an audio output, you'll hear the scream.  It won't
> kill them but they will never want to touch your  car again.
> good-luck
> John D. Schenato
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Todd Young [SMTP:tyoung@wamnet.com]
> > Sent: Monday, August 10, 1998 5:55 AM
> > To:   Phil Payne; quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> > Subject:      Re: Sanity check
> >
> > Phil Payne wrote:
> >
> > > It doesn't.  He knows the light will go on, and doesn't seem to
> > care.
> > > When the alarm went off, I leapt out of bed and got to the window
> > > within ten seconds.  He was gone, but the floodlight was
> > illuminating
> > > his workplace.
> > >
> >
> > Hey Phil, maybe try using a soaker hose to keep the drive wet and
> > then have 220v charging a high voltage capacitor, hooked up to the
> > motion sensor. Here's the effect. Thief walks up, notices the
> > driveway is wet, doesn't care, walks toward car, trips motion
> > detector, light comes on illuminating thief doing a very wacky
> > dance as he/she gets electrocuted. Sounds like justice to me!
> > Just for added kicks, have a flash camera hooked up to the same
> > motion detector to capture the "Kodak" moment.
> >
> > --
> > Todd Young              WAM!NET Inc.
> > tyoung@wamnet.com       6100 West 110th Street
> > 612-886-5051            Bloomington, MN 55438-2664
> > 800-585-1133 ext.5051   http://www.wamnet.com/
> >
> >
> >