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Re: phones upgrades
In a message dated 8/11/98 Chris Woodward <cwoodwar@bellsouth.net> writes:
<< Jeff LaBombard wrote:
> If you have the Motorola unit that is voice activated that is a nice phone,
> good quality, clear, and great range.
> If you want something portable, purchase a hand held unit and pay an extra
> $20 bucks or so a month and you have one number on two phones. This is
> with Cell One here in Boston, and I think it is nationwide.
Chris Woodward's reply:
Hmmm.... that's called "cloning". Illegal and prohibited by all cellular
carriers I know of. And I own a cellular dealership, so I sort of keep up
with this stuff =) >>
Another "hmmm..." I think what Jeff was talking about is the second line
"feature" which I do know is offered for something like $9.95 per month by my
cellular carrier (GTE Mobilnet) and AFAIK uses the same phone number. This has
been heavily advertised of late. While "cloning" per say is illegal but there
must be some way the cellular companies make it work.
Mike Veglia
87 5kcstq