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Re: 4kq headlite heat

On Wed, 12 Aug 1998, David Coleman wrote:

> I don't know about heat, as i've never ran the two at the same time long
> enough to check it.  There's too great a chance of burning out the
> headlight switch on the dash.  They're too expensive/hard to find in
> yards.
> Is that what you plan to avoid w/ relays?  Might be easier/more
> effective if you put a harness (Comp. Ltd., et.al.) in.

	YES, relays take the load away from the wiring.  I think I would
need high watage 9004 connectors to keep them from melting but the relays
will protect the switch.  As for a harness, they are maybe a tad easier
but why spend $60 on a custom harness when you can buy relays for cheap
and do it your self.  Of course if you know of any $30 harnesses then I
might be interested.  How much are Comp. Ltd harnesses etc.  

