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RE: Real sports cars...

>... don't have roofs.

Sorry Jack, those are roadsters. Both my '65 E-type and my '66 Vette are
coupes, and were quite sporting for their day:-)



            0                                                  5
            0                    Shef Corey                    0
            0         Ocean Mapping Development Center         0
            C         Graduate School of Oceanography          0
            S            University of Rhode Island            C
            Q               Tele.: 401-874-6879                S
            U          E-mail: shef@omdc.gso.uri.edu           Q
            A                 Ex-QCUSA: #1857                  U
            T                                                  A
            T                                                  T
            R  QUATTRO: the way to GO when the road says NO!!  T
            O                                                  R