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Re: '95 Sport 90 - A/C Compressor ticking/flapping upon engagement

At 04:15 PM 8/31/98 -0400, Mark W. Byrum, Jr. wrote:
>Know its the compressor because when I turn off the a/c the noise stops.
>	Isn't there supposed to be some sort of oil or other lubricant put in
>along with the freon to ensure the compress does not destroy itself? 

Yes.  But if it's not on the bill, they didn't add it.

>Can this be checked somehow without going back to the dealer first?  

Yes. Crawl under car and check outside of the compressor.  If the front
seal is gone, you will find a film of _light_ oil all over it.  BTDT on my
car, thought it was pan leak when I bought the car, was actually a/c oil.
Compressor grenaded shortly thereafter.

>I destroying the compressor by using the a/c if lubricant was not added
>by the dealer?

Yes, if the lubricant is low.  Take it to an auto a/c shop or knowledgeable
general repair place and let them listen to the compressor.  Don't run it
till then, it may be on it's last legs but still savable (savable? boy what
a long Monday...) 

-Steve Jensen
'87 5KCSTQ 

  Any and all comments and suggestions appreciated.
>	TIA,
>	markbyrum@erols.com