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Re: Escort's New Pasport 7500

Daniel Hussey wrote:

>   But remember...Lazer is pointless, Wideband is still not used by most states
> (as well as lazer) so this is why I can't justify the price when my ten year
> old Passport (ol reliable) is still one of the best for X and K bands.  Well,
> enough of my miselanious ramblings.  Sorry for the lack of good content or
> advice, but I just thought I'd share my experiences on this subject.

Not sure where you hail from, but Ka band is pretty well used up here in Minnesota
and Wisconsin. My hometown, Wisconsin Rapids, WI, has only 18,000 people and the
local cops ARE using Ka band for radar. I know because I asked my brother-in-law
who has friends on the city police and county sheriffs departments. I currently
use a Uniden X-K-Ka dectector, falses a bit around semi-trucks (running jammers?),
but otherwise has saved my bacon more than once. Next step is a V1, if I can only
talk my fiancee into letting me spend $400.

Todd Young              WAM!NET Inc.
tyoung@wamnet.com       6100 West 110th Street
612-886-5051            Bloomington, MN 55438-2664
800-585-1133 ext.5051   http://www.wamnet.com/