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RE: Escort's New Pasport 7500
> But remember...Lazer is pointless, Wideband is still not used
> by most states
> (as well as lazer) so this is why I can't justify the price when
> my ten year
> old Passport (ol reliable) is still one of the best for X and K
> bands. Well,
> enough of my miselanious ramblings. Sorry for the lack of good content or
> advice, but I just thought I'd share my experiences on this subject.
Laser is rapidly becoming the tool of choice for nabbing speeders by the
state police here in Connecticut. It has also infiltrated into several of
the towns near me. Most of the state police speed traps I have gone by over
the last year have been using laser.
I used to have one of the early Escorts ('81 vintage) but that was stolen.
I still have, and use daily, an old Passport and an Escort DSP (probably the
last good Escort made). And I agree that for X & K band none of the new
crop of detectors even come close, other than the V1, but it has gotten to
the point that they're not doing me much good. So the time has come to
upgrade to a V1 w/laser. Sure would have saved me $180 last month in N.Y.
So, while laser may not be in your neck of the woods yet, it's coming. And
if you're driving in the Northeast your Passport may not help you. However,
keep in mind that laser is like instant radar. Unless you have an
unsuspecting guinea pig in front of you so that you can pick up the signal
as he's being lit up, then put a fork in you - you're done.
Bob Rossato