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RE: rr and mb engine characteristics

smaller hot side impellor, better manifold, more boost....  

but i'm sure its more complicated than that :-)

'95 rs2
'90 ur-q

> > > you gotta drive an rr brother.  the articles on the tt compare it
to the
> > > quattro and say that it is even better than this.  no other audi
> > > comes close as a driving machine to the rr (i've not really driven
an mb
> > > though which is a bit lighter, though less powerful and more
> >
> > I think the lag is much the same, but the bottom end torque is very
> > different.  You have 309Nm at 1950 rpm - I have 270(?) at around
> How does the rr develop so much torque that low, relative to the mb?
> the trade-off?