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Re: Eurolight trim

>The butterfly clips holding the chrome trim across my grill were brittle
>and hard to save, especially when clipped into sheet metal.  The ones I
>elected to change on the corner trim were the bigger size, and new, and
>clipped into plastic.  Those were easy to save.  I don't have the PN
>handy, but the clips were cheap, and easy to get.
I had a major problem with those on the 5k, and on the 200q.  However,
interestingly, I found that gently prying on one side with a screwdriver
-right- at the clip, centered, gave good results.  Once you work one end
free, get the others off by gently twisting and moving the strip up+down
while pulling out slightly.  Seems to coax it off.

While the headlights are out+grille is removed, my IC is going to get
another cleaning...this time with some foaming engine cleaner.  That seems
like the way to go; the foam will expand back into the IC, where it's
harder to reach.


Brett Dikeman
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