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Re: cis-e good book?

>Could someone recommend a good comprehensive monograph on Bosch fuel
>injection system used on a 90q? I would like to find one which actually
>explains the functions of various components, and not just provides
>specs/troubleshooting procedures.
>THank you ,Andrei

how about the book..."Bosch fuel injection" :)

I found my copy while perusing through Borders bookstore.  It's a 8x10,
blue book.  Has a big shot of a glowing hot-wire airflow sensor on the
cover.  Covers many of the Bosch systems, including Motronic and CIS
systems.  It goes over a lot of the theory behind operation; why vacuum
hose X is HERE, and not THERE, what happens if you plug it up, all sorts of
cool stuff; lots of conditional's(ie, what if's.)


Brett Dikeman
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Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.