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Re: Stealthy A4 courtesy Valentine One

Robert Houk - WorkGroup Server Firmware <Robert.Houk@East.Sun.COM> wrote:

>Actually, this does revive a question recently asked of me, and this
>list should be a good source:  Do other countries -- and, specifically,
>"Europe" (*) -- use Radar and/or Laser for speed enforcement, and if
>so, do they use the same bands as the U.S. revenue enhancment agencies
>(specifically, in what other countries would the U.S. Valentine One
>work, where wouldn't it, and where would I be arrested for Terrorism
>or Espionage or just plain TroubleMaking)?

The REOs here in Holland use some of the same bands as in the US, but in
general you need a Holland-specific detector to have it work perfectly.
I saw a test of some imported detectors in a magazine some time ago (even
did an exerpt for the list, I think) and none of them worked properly.
The only one that actually worked as advertised was the Stinger-
re-engineered for Holland specifically. $500-600, if I recall correctly.


 Tom Nas                                          Zeist, The Netherlands
 1987 Audi 90q 2.3E, Tizianrot metallic, 167,000km

  Your manuscript is both good and original, but the part that is good
       is not original and the part that is original is not good.
                                   -- Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)