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Re: Attack of the Monkey Lads (tm)

If there is a God, there is a special place in hell for tire shop and
body shop "techs." Many if not most are sheisters of the worst kind, and
incompetent to boot! If they were just sheisters, you could at least
trust them to do the required work properly. 

I'd also like to mention that the previous owner of my '85 4000S went to
Midas--repeatedly! Now you'd think that Midas could at least get a
muffler right, but no such luck. The monkeys at Midas have put three,
count 'em three mufflers on this car over a two year period. Needless to
say, the third muffler has literally fallen apart. To add to this
excitement, they also did the brakes, also repeatedly. Somehow they
missed the page on bleeding the brakes, because the bleeder valves were
blocked by rust inside the calipers! The fluid looked like coffee. This I
do not understand because bleeding or even flushing the system could
generate more charges, while actually being necessary. 

Enough ranting, the best thing you can do is expose the sheisters, and
more importantly promote the skilled and honest mechanics. I happen to
know of a good tire shop in Boulder, CO, and I have good leads on Audi
mechanics in Columbus, OH and Milwaukee, WI (not Blaufergnugen) if anyone
is interested.

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