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A/C solenoids 5ks

>My take on all this is that one or more solenoid valves are leaking 
>(those valves are suppose to seal tight to the engine vacuum when not in
>use). The odd thing is that no other controller setting except defrost
>will give the low idle speed, so one or more of these things are
>I can probably find out wich line, by pinching off the lines one (or
>more at a time).  My question is what to do after I find one or more
>leaking valves?  Whole new unit (a rebuilt one is not likely to be
>better that what I have)?  Has anyone tried to r&r one of these valves?
>I remember some conversations about this unit being the same as a GM
>one?  Does any GM line sell the solenoid valves separately?

Visit a junkyard - preferably a u-pull-it yard. GM A/C controllers from
late 80 to mid 90s full-size Buick/Olds/Caddy use these controllers - buy
the whole box for $10, gives you spares and the little vacuum manifold. (It
lives behind the glove box - case is different, but guts are very similar -
be SURE you also yet the little motor and arm - you WILL need it eventually.)

Check the solenoids by shaking them - if it rattles, it is good. No sound
means swollen rubber diaphragm - unrepairable - solder the new solenoid in
place. Not a big deal.

Best Regards,

Mike Arman