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Re: brakes and lonnnng downhills

On Wed, 7 Oct 1998 13:32:47 -0400, you wrote:

>_What's_ a "good way to get killed", Dan? Of course I was in low gear and
>using the brakes just when needed. That turns out to be most (>>50%) of the
>time when you're in a fully loaded car, behind a shuttle bus doing 20 mph.
>Maybe you've not descended Mt. Washington in 2+ tons of Audi. And I stated
>that the brakes never heated enough to cause significant fade. In fact the
>front wheels were "cool" enough to touch them without scorching my hand.
>The rears, however, were at that "very uncomfortable" level of temp.

Often while going down a hill at about 30 mph, 2nd gear is too low
while 3rd are too high. Anyone else agree? How are this case with
automatic trasmission?