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Re: 5ktq brakes

In message <> "Frank J. Bauer" writes:

> orin created a led digital duty cycle valve.

Yes, I have one of those too.

> i'm still trying to get it to work with my fuel frequency valve.
> it seems to get a somewhat nonstandard signal from the aftermarket oxs/fuel
> computer that was installed when my car was federalized.

It won't work directly off the frequency valve because of the waveform.

On the stock system, the wire from the ECU to the frequency valve is
resistive - you need to attach the meter on the other side of this
resistance.  That's why there's a test lead in the engine bay of
OXS-equipped cars - it's connected diretcly to the ECU output.  On my
car, the duty cycle is not varied as a means of adjusting O2, and so
there is no such wire.

It's possible that your after-market unit has this resistance inboard
and uses a standard copper wire to the frequency valve.  You might have
to go inside the box and find if there _is_ such a resistance in the

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
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