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Re: flag waving debate

Dave E. writes and then copies my post:
"so much bullsh*t, so little time.....
look lets forget all this flag waving stuff and stick to the facts shall

Since you copied my post I'm assuming you believe it contained bullsh*t.
What part do you think is BS?  It certainly couldn't be the Performance Car
article.  Or do you only believe articles that praise Audi.  Perhaps you
think my tweaked wagon should smoke assorted bmws because it has awd so my
saying that staying near is a moral victory was the bs.

Dave writes more:
"further to the objective test references i posted yesterday is
from autocar 23/9/98 and their "handling test" which rated 14 cars around a
circuit driven by professional drivers and their testers.
once again real watchs not mythical (or hyped ones).  once again real facts,
not opinions....
bmw 328i (193hp rwd) 1:17.64 (11th)
jag xkr (370hp rwd) 1:15.15 (10th)
imprezza wrx (240hp awd) 1:14.52 (9th)
merc e55 (370hp rwd) 1:12.89 (8th)
porker 911 (300hp rwd) 1:12.12 (5th)
mitsi evo v (280hp awd) 1:11.93 (4th)
ferrari f50 (479hp rwd) 1:09.81 (2nd)"

What exactly is your point?  Is there an Audi in the list somewhere?  Where
are 14,13, 12, 7, 6, 3 and 1?  Are you trying to say these results are a
better indication of some real-world Audi awd handling advantage (meaning
not a 20 lap race or the like) than a comparison between the exact same Audi
cars (Performance Car article) with two drivers driving each car.  If so,
are you f*ckin serious?  This is very simple Dave.  Two A6s that are exactly
the same except for the quattro driveline (oh yeah, the quattro also had a
stiffer suspension).  All performance tests were virtually the same except
for the ice drag race.

Dave finishes with:
"i'll refrain from pointing out the results from the horsepower handicaped
awd cars, otherwise i might be tempted to say "told you so", and i don't
want to do that.  i'll also refrain from writing what that said about
anyway clearly horsepower and drive configuration and weight distribution
isn't all there is to it.sigh...."

I think you need to type more slowly so that I can understand.  What does
the above listed results say about the 328i?  Perhaps you have purposely
left out something to trap me, but it seems to me it performed admirably
given its not a sports car.

double sigh...
Matt Pfeffer