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Re: 90q A/C compressor hose leaks

-----Original Message-----
From: Orin Eman <orin@WOLFENET.com>
To: Fred Munro <munrof@isys.ca>
Cc: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>; abk@phy.duke.edu
Date: Wednesday, October 21, 1998 11:46 PM
Subject: Re: 90q A/C compressor hose leaks

>>     You've got it! A restriction in the high pressure line causes the
>> to expand into a cool gas. The expanded gas enters the evaporator which
>> transfers heat from the air entering the car to the cool gas. The now hot
>> low pressure gas enters the condenser (mounted in front of the radiator)
>> where it is cooled. It then enters the low pressure side of the
>> is compressed to liquid, and the cycle repeats itself.
>Er, doesn't the compressor usually come before the condenser?  That's what
>Bentley's claim for the 5k and 200.
>So we have:
>Compressor - (muffler) - condenser - restrictor - evaporator -
>accumulator - compressor.
>BTW, the 84-88 5k Bentley has the low/high pressure labels swapped!

    Right you are, Orin. Sorry about the error. The condenser cools the high
pressure liquified gas. Been working too many late nights, I guess!

Fred Munro
'91 200q