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Re: Purchase advice - 5000 or early 90...
At 10:33 AM 10/26/98 -0500, you wrote:
> Must be cheap so i can keep the V8. I think an 88 or so 5000 non-turbo
>quattro or 90 model would do me. Car must have:
> quattro, manual shift, ski sack, ABS, clean body and interior and
>reasonable miles and need no major work. Must be non-new England non-rust
>salt bucket. Must purchase in next two-three weeks.
Bob Mansker in Mississippi was trying to sell his non-turbo 5KQ some
months ago, he's on the list.
Bryan, meet Bob. Bob, meet Bryan.
I'll pass on the use of the condo, just buy me a beer if I make it to Mt.
Washington next year. (Note to Bob - two words: road trip!)
-Steve Jensen