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Re: Ronin

I saw it three times, and I heard:

"We will need something fast...Audi S8...nitrous...come here I have the specs."

Has anyone seen any good Audi desktop themes for win 95/98?  


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Subject: Ronin 
Author:  "Michael Porter" <mpfive0@maine.rr.com> at idpinternet
Date:    10/28/98 8:12 AM

I had figured the list must have discussed Ronin and the Audi before I came 
on the list two weeks ago, but when I use the Q-list search engine and 
didn't get any hits on "Ronin". I thought I 'd just send in my post.

I appreciate all the feedback, I am really behind the Audi-knowledge curve I 
didn't even know the S8 existed.
I still think the actor requested an A8 in the movie.


M Porter
86 4kcsq
86 5kcstq
95 zx-9r
www.ci.portland.me.us/swat.htm  (fourth from the left)