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Re: Paint Code???
That code "looks" to me to either be Zermatt Silver or the charcoal grey
color (don't know the "name" name of that one).
This is just going by how the paint code "looks" to me, as in, "it looks
familiar", and I only have had experience/interest in a few paint codes,
namely Zermatt Silver and charcoal grey.
I'm leaning towards the grey color. The color of my 4ksq on my website,
and the color of (Duanes old) can't-think-of-the-new-owners-name's turbo
'87 4kcsq, ala 2Bennett. Also the color of Tony Lum's 4ksq...
(my post is obviously not intended to be a definitive answer to the paint
code question, I'm just rambling...)
Zermatt Silver is a light metallic silver with a _very_ slight
goldish/very-light-brown tint to it, most perceptible when viewed next to
a "pale" silver. At least that's the way my eyes see it.
rjandrew@post.smu.edu (R Justin Andrews)
> Ok, My paint code is LY7Y.
> Anyone have a clue to what the color name for this is???
> Possibly Zermatt Silver???
> TIA,
> Rich Andrews
> rjandrew@post.cis.smu.edu
> > > > I love Zermatt Silver.
> > > > It even has a cool name.
> > >
> > > It does if you're young enough not to remember the typhoid epidemic.
> >
> > First I'd heard of it, so I guess I qualify.
> >
> > Only found about 3 very brief references about it with a cursory 'net
> > search. I assume the color is named after the place, and not the
> > incident.
> >
> > Ken