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Almost Reckless driving

Today, while trying to make it to work(I work in Springfield, VA, live
in Gaithersburg, MD) I was going about 90-95 mph on I-495 when I saw the
VA state trooper parked on the side, with its radar conspicuously out. I
pressed firmly on the brake and managed to slow it down to about 80.
Nevertheless, he went after me. Pulled me over and graciously informed
me that he clocked me at 82 and that this was reckless
driving(??!?!?!?). OK.....He came back after a while, gave me a warning
and told me to watch it. The limit on the beltway has always puzzled me.
Four wide lanes and when I was caught, there was hardly any traffic.
Weather was good as well. For those who care, it was under the I-66 West
underpass before the exit to Gallows Rd. After ticketing me, he followed
me for a while and set up another trap further down the road. I know
this is a futile and dumb question but don't they have anything better
to do? Oh well. This still won't make me drive 55 like a lemming but I
guess I'll curb my momentary 100mph jaunts down the straightaways of
495. It's a shame too because the car feels great.......:)

86 5kcst