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Re: urq idle problem solved
In message <19981107230125.16185.qmail@hotmail.com> "Mike Del Tergo" writes:
> As you have undoubtedly come across this more than anyone here, what
> would you guess as the cause for the 4000RPM cutout on my 81 WR UrQ.
> Idle & WOT switches Ohm OK. Manifold temp Sensor Ohms OK. Car will
> build 1 BAr boost in higher gears were 4000RPM is not necessary, so I
> would say not overboost problem, car will also crawl to 5K+ if done
> without boost. Ideas? Also any idea the correct Ohm reading for temp
> sensor behind #5 when engine is warm? Currently infinite both hot and
> cold, will replace but wante to throw a resister in there short term.
Deg C Ohm
20 1000
40 500
60 250
90 100
120 50
Changed any components lately? 4000 rpm is the point, on a 5-cylinder
engine, when the 'sparks per minute' rate reaches the limit for a
4-cylinder engine. I'd also check the coil grounds and the primary
Phil Payne
Phone: 0385 302803 Fax: 01536 723021
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