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Does the Year 2000 bug affects Audis???
- To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
- Subject: Does the Year 2000 bug affects Audis???
- From: Craig K Yandow <Craig.K.Yandow@aero.org>
- Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 11:24:31 -0800
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Lately I have been hearing lots of subtle and scarey ways that the Y2K bugs
might affect a whole range of things. Some American cars have been identified
as having Y2K problems- Sorry, I don't have the specifics, this came up as an
example during a Year 2000 briefing.
Is anything known about Audi's in this regard? Is there a date computation in
control computers, alarms, phones etc. ?
If this is an old topic, I apologize for wasting bandwidth and your time.