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RE: flashbulbs, was: 90q Temp Guage

> > >you drop the light on the floor, "flash!" and it's burnt out.
> >
> > that's why i long ago started using flourescent work lights.
> >
> I went to fluorescent when I changed the fuel pump on my son's 4kq. Cheap
> insurance :-)
I too have a nicely shock protected fluorescent ...I think I got it at
COSTCO, but I still have my old Crapsman trouble light with the cord
retractor.  I've found that using the Teflon coated heavy service bulbs
makes it so that I don't often have to replace bulbs.  I also had pretty
good luck with the Philips long life bulbs with the heavy filament.

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

... we don't need no stinking .sig approval here ... :-)