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re: 5KcsTQ Cloaking Device
Whaaat is this--some kinda SWMBO propaganda? Insurance company
misinformation campaign? AARP initiation rite? Ain't you aware, Mr.
Echelberger, that self-restraint has been unfashionable on this planet for
quite some time now? Cruise control set at the speed limit? Damn! With
behavior like this I wouldn't be surprised if you're actually a...Vulcan.
You may think you can get away with that insidious Klingon Cloaking
technology, but--eventually--testosterone will prevail (you Vulcans _do_
have testosterone, don't ya?). Or, maybe you ain't no Vulcan at all; maybe
you're one a them Audi Crash-Dummy Choirboy eunuchs. Yeh, that's it. (I
always wondered how them 'droids actually drove a car when they didn't have
a brick wall in front of them.)
Anyway, good post! Self-restraint is admirable--unless you're ahead of me
and I can't get around! ;-) Indeed I have followed your example whenever my
speeding points get to a certain level, but I can never manage to persist
for more than about 327 miles. Hope you can do even better than that.
Phil R.
>Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 09:41:44 -0500
>From: "Doyt W. Echelberger" <Doyt@nwonline.net>
>Subject: 5KcsTQ Cloaking Device
>I think I have been prematurely aged this year by a few serious speeding
>tickets that stressed me and my financial resources more than I wish to
>remember. So I have modified my 5KcsTQ with a Cloaking Device, stolen from
>the Klingon Nation. This is a report of how it worked for me over the
>Thanksgiving Holiday.
>I just completed a 150+ mile drive and return trip to grandmother's house
>Thursday and Friday. Total of 327 miles. EVERY tiny little village had an
>officer or an Ohio State Patrol or a sheriff at the town border with radar
>checking every car that came into town. The Patrol and sheriffs were
>pulling drivers over on every major highway between towns. Never saw so
>many blinking blue flashers.
>When I set my cruise at those limits, I am invisible to all enforcement
>When I think about what those speeding tickets cost me, in after-tax
>dollars, this cruise control Cloaking Device seems like one of the best
>pieces of equipment on my Audi. With my Cloakin Device on, every time my
>radar/Lidar screams, I save about $300! On this trip, that was $300 x 15
>= $4,500. Not bad for two days work.
>Now, if I can just figure out how to get my hands on the actual
>money......maybe I had better investigate law enforcement......a shift to
>the dark side. Hmmmmmnnnnn, a new career?.
* Phil & Judy Rose Rochester, NY *
* *
* mailto:pjrose@servtech.com *