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Re: Brake Warning Light

In message <> Mike Arman writes:

> Interesting phenomenon here - I *JUST* (60 days ago?) installed a brand new
> bomb, ...

What sort of bomb on what sort of car?  The old sphere with separate
valve block, or the post-1987-ish combined bomb?

> HOWEVER - As of about three weeks ago (coincidence? Conspiracy???), one or
> two of the "X" caps on the PS pump started leaking pretty badly ( a cup of
> green gold per week or so ) and I am wondering if while they push pentosin
> out on the up-stroke, are they sucking air in on the down-stroke? If they
> were, that would aerate the pentosin and give lower pressure at the bomb
> (and trip the low pressure warning light).

Depends why the light is tripping - low supply or low servo pressure.

I posted a fairly complete diagnostic procedure here a few weeks back.

I sppotted a bad bomb by feel alone on Saturday, on Charles Adair's
MB ur-quattro.  Only three brake depressions until the light went on.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)