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Re: thermostat
I just went through the thermostat replacement routine with my '91 200q.
Here's what I encountered in looking for a replacement (87 C):
Audi dealer: $40 + o-ring;
local foreign parts place #1: $25 incl. o-ring;
local foreign parts place #2: $15 incl. o-ring.
The "parts place #2" thermostat was a Wahler brand (made in Germany). It's
a brand that a friend (and Audi mechanic) says he has used for years. So I
went with it.
The OEM thermostat that I removed was Behr-Thomson brand. It had recently
started keeping the temperature 1 or 2 notches too cold. On test after
removal, I found its maximum opening was much larger than Bentley spec and
its cooling-cycle full-close temp was about 10 deg F below its opening
temp on the heating cycle. Anyway, it's been replaced and tomorrow I'll
know if it had any effect.
>Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 12:50:56 -0800 (PST)
>From: Todd Phenneger <phen9461@uidaho.edu>
>Subject: Re: thermostat
>Thanks for the info,
> I think I will go with the 92 if I can find it. Problem is,
>everyone says get one from dealer or Boufergnugen or similar. all they
>seem to have is the stock 87 deg unit. I want to go to shucks or whatever
>but No One has givin me any ideas on what to ask for there. Bosch?
>Doesnt' matter. Oh well, I will go to Shucks today and talk to them. L8R
> Todd Phenneger
> 1984 4000s quattro / modified/ awaiting Turbo Transplant.
> 1985 4000 quattro / Silver / Fixing it Up.
> 1987 4000cs quattro / Saphire Metallic Blue/ Girlfriend's
> 1996 A6q / Volcano / Dads Car
> *****1985 5kt / PARTING OUT!
Phil Rose Rochester, NY
'91 200q mailto:pjrose@servtech.com
'89 100