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Re: Seat movement
In a message dated 12/5/98 "Daniel Hussey" <dhussey@handleit.net> writes:
<< I know I've asked this before, but never got a good definitive answer.
I've got a 200tq and my seat tends to move (or rock back...hard to tell) when
I corner sharply, etc. This is annoying. >>
I just played "amateur upholstery man" last night on my driver's seat
(replaced both the back and cushion covers...thanks again John!) and noticed
what maybe the cause.
I had some looseness that required investigation as well. Turns out that there
are two hex head cap screws (5mm hex wrench) holding each of the seat
"elevators" (gearbox thingies that raise and lower each corner of the seat).
On my seat they had worked their way loose. Two had fallen out and were stuck
to the grease inside the sliders. Check for that first.
I had thought maybe it was the plastic bushings in the rear sliders as had
been posted before. In my case these were fine. The way to easily check is to
look underneath while an assistant rocks the seat. If it is moving in the
mechainsim I would suspect the attachments. If it is moving in the lower real
rails, then the bushings would need to be replaced. HTH.
Mike Veglia
87 5kcstq (no more holes in the driver's seat!)