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WTB 4KQ pass seat base.
WTB - depth adjustable seat base for the passenger side of 1986
4KQ. In all US 4KQ's I have seen, only the drivers side seat has the
depth adjustment for the lap. My previous car, 1978 S model
Scirocco, had this adjustment in both seats. I would imagine the 82-
88 series Scirocco also had this adjustment, but I do not know if the
seat rails are adaptable to an '86 4KQ. It seems the sure bet would
be out of an '85 - '87 UrQ - if it has this depth adjustment feature.
But alas, us Yanks got precious few of those. What do you say Phil
P? Graham T.? Jim H? Does the UrQ have the passenger side seat
depth adjustment? Would it be difficult to find a scrapped seat with a
servicable base?
Craig Lebakken
1986 4KQ