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Re: Which Quattro to buy?


The quattro you're thinking of is indeed the ur-Quattro.  Yes, they're
fairly rare in the States, and they're pretty pricey.  Around $8,000 for
a fixer-upper.  Parts are a bit too expensive for the average 17
year-old.  Plus, I think I can take a safe stance in saying an ur-Quattro
isn't the best Audi to start off with.  I would suggest a 4000cs quattro.
 Cheap(er), more common, easier to insure, and parts are more available. 
Problem is, the company never made a turbo one.  Why was that?  5000
turbo quattro's are the bomb, too, but they are on the "portly" side. 
That can be an advantage, though.  Same thing:  cheap, common, insurable,
and available parts.  

Don't let me discourage you in getting an ur-Quattro.  All wheel drive is
cool.  Hell, most of us "Gen-X" Audiphiles can only dream of seeing all
four of our cars' wheels kicking up sand and dirt on some deserted
backroad.  But if this is your first car, and you don't have that much
money, (less than $5,000 to blow on the car & parts for the first year),
I'd suggest getting a Coupe!  OK, so I have a LITTLE bias, but you have
to admit that with the Coupe you get most of the ur-Quattro look without
any of the ur-Quattro price!  Save up to buy that rally beast when your
insurance comes down.  That's my OPINION, so you may want to hear what
the `ol folks wish to say.  [8^)

Love, Like, or Just Plain Tolerate,


`86 CGT (my 1/2 Quattro)
`82 Coupe (R.I.P.)

On Sun, 13 Dec 1998 00:41:25 EST BOSS3854@aol.com writes:
>I'm a 17 year old student and I want to buy an Audi. 
>I know i want a turbo-quattro. First of all, did the Ur-quattro's ever 
>come to
>the US(I'm thinking of the rare coupe's, i could be wrong) and how 
>much do
>these run for now? basically i want to know what Audi to buy as a 
>first one,
>however i'd prefer the coupe.
>Thanks for the help