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RE: cleaning

Art4@aol.com on 12/16/98 04:29:12 PM

>    I was wondering with all the talk on cleaning cars.  What do you use
>cleaning a dash(treating, preserving, oiling, ect...).  In the past, I
>always used baby oil.

I use Vinylex by Lexol. Not too greasy and shiny ala Armour All. Has UV
protection and other goodies to feed the plastics.

>    Also wondering what is the best car wax.  Currently I have been using
>Mequires.  I wax it twice in two weeks(each coat waxed in a different
>direction).  Then will not wax it again for roughly 4-6 months.  So far
>Mequires is great, but I have seen Zymoil and was wondering if anyone out
>there swears by it.

I use One Grand Blitz wax. I've heard good things about both Zymol and
Meguires. If you're happy with it then no need to switch, I think.

>    I guess one more last thing, sorry for the run on mail, what type of
>do you reccomend for treating chrome.  I have used zip wax or what ever
>can with the turtle on it is(oops turtle wax, DUH).  It does a cruddy job
>at least seems like it, any better ideas.

Haven't used it on the car, but I've used Simichrome polish for other
applications. After polishing put some of the car wax you're using on it. A
little added protection.

Andrew Chang
98.5 A4 2.8qms