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Merry Bucksnort Christmas, y'all. (It's humor, Phil...)

	Here in Bucksnort they’ve erected a "Nativity Scene", making use of the local
talent, including some of the kids taking vocational classes (welding and
such) in high school.  A great deal of effort and some talent had gone into
creating it. But there was a subtle “difference” from “normal” that bothered
some folk, especially visitors to the area. The difference is that the three
wise men are wearing firemen's helmets.

	Totally unable to come up with a reason or explanation, a passerby (who had
stopped by because the “Bucksnort” Interstate sign was so intriguing) made the
mistake of asking for an explanation. I don’t think the New York plates on his
silver A8, or the Bronx accent, helped him in any way. At the Bucksnort Deli
he asked the lady behind the counter about the helmets. She exploded into a
rage, and started yelling, "You darn Yankees never do read the Bible!"

	He tried repeatedly to assure her that he had, but simply couldn't recall
anything about firemen in the Bible.

	She jerked her Bible from behind the counter and ruffled through some pages,
and finally jabbed her finger at a passage. Sticking it right up under his
nose, she said, "See, it says right here, 'The three wise man came from

	Happy Holidays to the list.
	--ml in Bucksnort, TN