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Re: Audi V8 - ABS Sensor Gapping?
In a message dated 12/19/98 8:08:05 PM Eastern Standard Time,
mconnor@frontiernet.net writes:
<< I am in the middle of a project replacing the front ABS Sensors in 1990
Audi v8. I was told by the previous owner of a problem with one of the
sensors. Upon replacing the sensors I am still having the same problem
with the ABS OFF Light coming on after approximately 7-10mph. I believe
my problem is related to the ABS clearance from the CV Joint. Anyone
out there have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Mark- When I changed my CV joint boots, upon reinstalling, I just pushed the
the abs sensors all the way in, and backed them out a bit. Have worked ok for
at least a year. HTH
Frank Santoro
1990 V8(for sale)
1998 A8