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possible new owner

Well, I've grown sick of my Mx-5 miata (I know!  I'm so picky!) and am
thinking of getting something a big quieter, heavier, and bigger.  I'm
kinda undecided right now, but I'm in love with the turbo & AWD
combination, so an A4 is on my 'wish list'.  The only 'real' competition
is an Eclipse/Talon AWD or a BMW, possibly an M3.  Those M3s are nice
and fast, but kind of expensive for me.  Then again, so is a loaded A4
;-).  I'm leaning on the 1.8t with a 5speed and quattro, and a fully
loaded one is what I want, and they are near 30k.  Well, I still owe on
my miata, so any transaction will have to wait until I've got that car
all but paid off.  So c'mon everyone, convince me for or against the A4,
so I'll have one more car to consider, or one less.  I'm 21 years old,
and it seems (and feels) a little odd to be looking at a family car
(especially coming from a Miata), so power, and handling (although I
know it would take money to make it handle like my current car), and
something I can mod.  Mods seem rather expensive here in Audi-land.  Any
single guys out there having fun with their A4s?  Everyone who might
want to, shoot me a private e-mail and let your thoughts be known. 
Thanks in advance!
