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Re: Custom EM for 10V turbo

If it works on the Ur-Qs I'm in for two.

John Corbs
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Del Tergo <mdeltergo@hotmail.com>
To: ScottyCBoy@aol.com <ScottyCBoy@aol.com>
Cc: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Friday, January 15, 1999 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: Custom EM for 10V turbo

>Scott said,
>>Owning a foundry I had planed to reproduce these units, pattern cost 
>will be>around 3,000 dollars a finished product could be had for ~500.00 
>cast from>just about any material out there, stainless steel, or hi temp 
>Nickel Cast
>Is this a gauntlet I see before me?  Sounds as much like a challenge as 
>I ever heard.
>>Iron, the probelm is I don't have 3,000 bucks lying 
>Let's see, 10 very interested parties put up $200 deposit @ and you only 
>need 1/2 as much good faith on your end. It sounds very doable 
>especially with #'s over 10.  With some slightly more concrete 
>expectations with regard to performance enhancements over stock, and a 
>finished goods price qoute within, say, 10%, I may also find myself in 
>the I want one camp.
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