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Re: Space saver spare tires are a joke

When ours was delivered in '87, the salesman got
out of the car, gave us a quick tour of various features in our driveway,
and got to the trunk, said "and here's the space sa...huh?"
(inside, was one nice, full-size tire, mounted to a 5-spoke turbo-style
rim, same as the other 4 rims.)

"Huh.  I guess you got this one for free.  That's supposed to be a space
saver.  They aren't even supposed to mount it on anything except a steel

I suppose it might have been a "look-how-nice-we-guys-are" move...?

On Fri, 15 Jan 1999 Glen_Powell@ne.3com.com wrote:

> The 87 5KTQW has a full-size spare.
> -glen
> "mlcmlcmlc" <mlcmlc@enter.net> on 01/15/99 01:57:56 PM

> ><I suppose it's an Audi - you don't replace the tyre, you just order a
> >
> ><new complete wheel and leave the old one at the roadside.
Haven't you heard?  Quattro is so advanced, it works with only 3 wheels!

actually, I think it's really cool that there's a screw-in guidepost for
mounting the tire, and that the screwdriver has a socket for quickly
spinning the lug nut out/in when loose.  Very well thought out.  The jack
isn't as good as the Volvo jack though, which you slip into a horizontal
pin, like this(side view):


The shape of the jack "head" makes it damn near impossible for the jack to
accidentally pop off(though I once watched a Volvo owner's car fall onto
the brake disk when the jack slipped off, so I guess it's not foolproof.)
