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Help Pothole in city!

Sorry for the BW
but I was driving along on a used-to be nice road in 
a nice part of Ft.Worth......
I was driving along 40mph.... Reached over to change radio station
and Boom! Hit a big 'ol chuck hole.....
Now, I luckily have Road Hazard on my tires Which it blew one.....
cut right through sidewalll... 
Well two of my rims have a nick/ bend in them under 3 weeks old...
I am thinking of taking pictures of holes/damage to car/receipts
and approaching City Council... I would like the City to pay for the damage
to my car/rims

Anyone have any luck in these situations???
Tips... greatly appreciated...

I just find it unacceptable to have a HUGE piece of concrete missing
in the middle of the irght hand lane with no cone/warning sign/etc...

Please email privately so we don't start a huge thread!

RIch Andrews