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AC condenser

In the process of changing the oil on my 1991 Audi 90 Quattro 20V I
noticed some oil on the shroud that you take off to get to the engine.
 Not enough to drip out onto the floor.  It looks like it is coming
from the top of the AC condenser or the corrugated aluminum pipe that
leads to it.  Since it was 20 degrees F in my garage I didn't do a lot
of investigation.  I don't believe the compressor ran when I switched
on the AC but it was pretty cold anyway.  Is an oil leak the
indication of a freon leak in that area?

This smells like big bucks.

I remember a thread on aluminum condensers last summer.  

Taping into personal experience here, did anyone find a copper
replacement?  Where did you get it and what did it cost?  If you put
in the aluminum one what did that cost and where did you get it?

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