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Re: testing center diff

My QSW does the same thing. I don't know what kind of car you have. I have
traced it to lots of play in the rear diff and particularly the center diff.
Oh well- I'm not really going to fix it. If I jack up one rear wheel and put
the car in gear, I can turn the wheel about 1/8 turn, and if I look under the
car while doing it, it's obvious that most of the play is in the center
diff/transmission/front diff.

Brett Dikeman wrote:

> Any way that a drivetrain/alignment shop can test the center differential
> to make sure it is working properly?  Just curious...Boomer is going in
> for a full alignment/on-car-balancing/check of all bushings...a general
> checkup of the suspension system(I've asked them to look into the
> clunk/play in the drivetrain; it's pretty bad...the car lurches if you
> accelerate, then slow, accelerate, then slow...and each lurch is
> accompanied by a clunk noise.)
> Thx!
> Brett