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High mileage records... was Volvo vs. Audi. Little Audi Content!
Just curious, on the thread of Volvo vs Audi: the mention of Guinness
World Record cars. (For sake of our British friends, I hope I spelled that
beer correctly...)
I used to see Mercedes advertisments that the record holder was a M-B, I
recently saw some VW advertising claiming a beetle holds the honour, and
now a post hinted that it may be a Volvo.
1. Who actually holds the record?
2. Are these records on the original engine? If not, then they are kind of
bunk, as anyone can repeatedly put in a new engine, fix rust and other
body damage, etc., and then drive, drive, drive...
Anyone know? (Sorry for the low Audi content, but I suppose most of us on
the list wish Audi were to hold the record; maybe for original engine?)
86 5000S, of which I used to proudly tell people about the 169K miles
(original engine, valves, etc.), until I read some of the high mileage
posts here... :)