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Subject: 1985 Quattro 4000s - I need Help!
Jason wrote:
I just bought an 1985 4000s Quattro. It has been sitting for a few months,
has only 90,000 miles. It won't start but is otherwise perfect.
It cranks fine, but won't catch. Once in a while it will sputter for 15
seconds or so, but just dies when you give it more gas. If you spray
starting fluid in while cranking it will run fine until the starting fluid
is stopped.
Jason: first, include an email address. Second: open the fuse box, and
check the fuses along the edge, running perpendicular to the rest of the
fuses. They look like spares; if you look carefully there are ?two that have
metal contacts in them, that run the "ecu" . Sounds like someone pulled a
fuse they shouldn't have. Other possible issues are fuel pump/pump relay;
damaged vacuum hose; bad ground to the rear of the intake manifold...Start by
checking the fuses.
hth chris miller, windham nh, c1j1miller@aol.com