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Sunroof Repair Questions, 4kq

I need help getting started with repair of the motorized sunroof on an 86 4kq.
Is assembly and adjustment different for the motorized vs. hand crank models?
Much of the info in Bentley and Haynes is for hand cranked models.
Bentley describes a 4K series sunroof and a two-way sunroof.  I'm not sure
which of these is on my car.

I've always had a problem with sloooow operation.  I suppose this could be
fixed with an adjustment.

And the seal is very shabby.  I bought a new seal which I thought would be
a simple thing to instalI.  But now that I look more closely it appears the
panel must be removed from the car to R&R the seal.  True?

The sunroof section in Bentley for the 5K series is much more detailed, but
I guess it's not the same as on the 4K...true?

I like the sunroof section in Haynes for the 5K series cars.  One short
paragraph which states...the sunroof is complicated and should only be
touched by the Audi dealer tech..."

Dave C.
Columbus, OH 

87 5KS 
89 100E 
86 4KQ