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Re: 86 CGT Digi-Dash??? What's up?

Timothy C Salazar II <tsal2@juno.com> wrote:
> The C.E. CGT was white with a red leather (I think) interior.  The
> spoiler was painted white, as well.  Overall, I think it looked pretty
> tacky, if you ask me.  The digi-dash was just a gimmicky option you could
> order for the `86 & `87 production year CGT's.  I guess the C.E.'s had all the
> bells & whistles, plus that to-die-for color scheme.  Is it just me, or are
> all "Commemerative Edition" cars heinously outfitted, color-wise?

There is a lister with a Charcoal Grey '86 C.E..  It has a red leather 
interior, including door panels, digital dash (red), and a painted rear wing.

I thought the red leather would be gaudy, and it's not subtle, but it isn't as 
bad as I thought it would be, with the dark color.

It's possibly for sale for any of you AZ listers, btw.
