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Anti-Blocking Secrets for Successful Bulk Email

Anti-Blocking Secrets: Guaranteed to Get your e-mail Delivered

Aol, CompuServe, MCI, Sprint and assorted service domains and 
Service Providers are blocking and censoring the delivery of bulk 
e-mail using a variety of Mail Filtering techniques and 
Blacklists. Your email cannot get delivered, its frustrating as 
greedy Wall Street interest and censor minded tyrants tighten 
their grip day by day. We Guarantee that if you follow the 
secrets revealed in our manual you will defeat all of the 
blocking and filtering techniques in use. And that's not all. Our 
antiblocking  techniques will finally put a stop to any 
countermeasures to overcome the anti blocking techniques we 
reveal for your successful email delivery. If you want to mail 
one or one million advertising circulars on the internet, the 
secrets we've unraveled for successful emailing is the only 
practical way to go about it.

And that's not all. We show you how to avoid getting kicked off 
your ISP and how to make your Web pages practically bulletproof. 
Its time to advertise your business without the antispam terror 
or getting ripped by high cost unverifiable outsourcing and 
outrageously priced so called "bullet proof" servers.

They tell you your solution is umpteen services promising that 
submission to this 400 or that 900 search engines will get you 
traffic to your web page and another umpteen telling you they can 
get you ranked high on this or that top search engine. It's all 
baloney. If you've had a web page for more than 90 days the truth 
is quite plain by now?

And who, except people with deep pockets, can afford independent 
banner advertising campaigns that really work? It's a little 
shocking to hear the truth isn't it? A rare find? Not really. 
"Anti-spam" Zealots are too often agents of Wall Street interest 
and a few kooks. You pay money to get dial-up access to the net 
and for your server. You should be able to use the mail-just like 
the regular mail and grow your business through normal 

We're not giving the anti-blocking secrets away. They are easily 
worth thousands to anyone with a web page slowly dying. $100 is 
all you pay, by check or money order. Not only is that 
affordable, it means more users of antiblocking secrets to grow 
new businesses and reject technology censorship rules that 
benefit only a few greedy big shots.  You've invested hundreds 
and sometimes thousands of dollars for a web site that just sits 
there dying. It's time for business the way you expected it to 

We will postal mail your copy of AntiBlocking Secrets within five 
(5) business days after receiving your check or money order at: 
PMLC, 20207 Robinwood Court, Hagerstown, MD 21742 and you can 
start getting your business message out without any more hassle 
or fear. 

To be removed from any possible future mailing of this list, type 
the word cancel in the subject line. Thank you.