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Re:Wierd UrQ cooling issues
Your problem is not the gauge!
Your problem is your cooling system is not being allowed to reach
"full pressure".
What I mean by this is, if you have something thats, "leaking" in your
cooling system, its not just leaking coolant, its also leaking pressure!
Pressure is what keeps the coolant(water) from boiling too soon!
Water boils near 120 degrees at sea level. The "antifreeze" in your
system helps to elevate this number, as does the pressure.
If your tank is "boiling over" its trying to tell you "its too hot"!
Very bad thing to let happen to a car with an aluminum head!
Most cooling systems get "pressurized" upwards of 14-20 psi!
Pressure is what keeps the coolant from boiling!
If you have stuff leaking, this "pressurization" in not occurring
to its maximum, and therefore the coolant is allowed to reach its boiling
at a much lower temp than normal!
Basically it turns into steam, and steam cannot transfer heat!
You need to fix ALL leaks, and have the cap tested to see if it holds
Everytime it "over-heats" that aluminum head will remember, and pay you back