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RE: Dyment Publications (Was: Re: Service manual, 93 90.)

Sorry, there is not a 100LS manual set listed in Dyment's Fall 98 Service
Publications Index that I have.
The 1993-95 Audi 90 manual set contains 14 booklets and mine cost $395 last
year. When I bought mine individual booklets were $27 each and last month I
bought some for a 1998 A6 and the individual booklets were $85 each (price
tripled in a year??!). These are the exact same Audi factory manuals that
the dealerships use. They are also the same info used by Bentley to produce
their Audi manuals. They are expensive and they are not written with the "Do
It Yourself" market in mind, they are for the dealer mechanics that have
factory training and factory tools. They are very useful but the often leave
out what many of us would consider key information but Audi sees it as info
they should not have to tell the dealer mechanic. "They should know how to
do this already". I find them to be the best Manuals available but I am
frustrated by some of the stuff the leave out. They also group repair
procedures together sometimes i.e. Intake manifold R&I procedure is only
show as part of removing the cylinder head. Often the only procedure they
have is an exploded view and some notes and torque's.

If you call Dyment they will send an index free of charge (it does not come
with a price list thought). (800) 544-8021

Jim  Dupree

		-----Original Message-----
		From:	Douglas Hurst Quebbeman [mailto:dougq@iglou.com]
		Sent:	Saturday, April 17, 1999 11:54 AM
		To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
		Subject:	Dyment Publications (Was: Re: Service
manual, 93 90.)

		> We got our service manual for the 93 90 through Dyment,
and it consists
		> of 6" of thin sections, poorly bound, organized by service
groupings. It
		> was seriously expensive, considering we have used it about
4 times in 5
		> years, and then on only 2 cars. Don't remember the cost
right now, but I
		> believe it was on the bad side of 200 bux. I'm sure
someone on the list
		> can provide the phone #.

		This sounds like the same method of organization used in the
old Porsche+Audi
		Workshop Service Manual I had for the 1970-1977 Audi 100LS. 

		Does anyone have a complete list of workshop manuals
available from Dyment?
		My 100LS manuals were destroyed in a flood, and if I can
still get new ones,
		I'd really like to know... 

		tia... -doug q
		-Douglas Hurst Quebbeman (dougq@iglou.com)       [Call me
		    QuattroClub USA# 4536     Audi International # 100024
		       74 100LS Auto,   77 100LS Auto,   84 Coupe GT 
		           83 ur-Q,   86 5Kcstq QLCC 1.8bar  
		"The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away."
-Tom Waits