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re Re: 90q squeak squeak?

C1J1Miller@aol.com wrote:

Tom Nas wrote:
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There's also a rattle from the trunk which I can't seem to localize (I've
emptied it completely, but no dice- sounds like something hitting the
bodywork) and some creaking interior trim pieces.
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Try this: sit in the back seat, and shut the door firmly.  Hear the rattle?

could be the flap for flow-through ventilation (probably in the "C" pillar 
area) isn't moving as freely as when new.
On the 90q, the ventilation flaps (3) are behind the rear bumper cover on
the left side of the car.  If you shake the assembly (easiest when removed
from car), the rubber flaps "flap", they cannot squeak.

                .... Kirby   (Kirby A. Smith)
                              2 x 1988 90q
                          New Hampshire USA