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Re: Offtopic continues - was Re: Bauhaus means...?

> unfortunately, the limited vision and understanding that was applied to
> copying true Modern (capital M) architectural designs is what gives the terms
> 'contemporary' and 'modern' such a bad connotation with the general public.
> legitimate and original designs by Corbusier and others are brilliant,
> interesting and stimulating.  the unenlighted imitators saw boxes and glass
> and crudely copied forms without the elegance and balance that elevate the use
> of simple forms the sublime. 

Much as the principal legacy of F.L. Wright's brilliance here in the US
is the "ranch house"...

(ignoring the buildings of his that still stand, of course)

Huw Powell

(soon to be) http://www.humanspeakers.com

82 Audi Coupe; 84 4kq; 85 Coupe GT