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Re: Low boost problems -- at wits end -- HELP!
>>>>> On Wed, 07 Jul 1999 19:41:23 -0700, Mike Posner said:
MP> I assume you werre not getting proper boost prior to new Mich. man.
This is correct. Before Mich I was seeing 1.0 tops.
MP> What is your vacuum reading at idle?
0.4 bar.
MP> Do you have any exhaust leaks?
Nothing audible, visible or smellable.
MP> ... ie cracked manifold, though they usually self seal when they
MP> get hot.
Condition persists at all engine temperatures. Stable 1.1 bar max.
MP> Check for hose leaks on the pressure side from intercooler to
MP> throttle body. also look for cracks in the intercooler pipes.
OK, thanks.
MP> Also dont count on the digital pressure guage to be
MP> accurate. see what your reading is with another guage.
Will do, although two things suggest that this is accurate:
a) WOT without Mich man pruduces 1.0
b) Applying 20 in Hg vacuum to manifold produces ca. 0.3 as
proposed by Mockry.
MP> Is the vehicle at operating temperature?
I await a new radiator resistor pack so I have had to be cautious.
However, my testing has run the gamut of engine temperatures. Max
boost is always the same 1.1 and seems to be regulated at this
MP> Hows your Cat? If its clogged, it will impair boost ...
I am planning a visit to an exhaust shop to measure back-pressure.
MP> ... as will a clogged air fillter, fuel filter
Good point. New air filter tomorrow. Fuel filter is new.
MP> ie everything needs to be clear going in and coming out. Kind
MP> of like the digestive system. Its an ongoing problem with
MP> boost, there are so many things that can affect it
Thanks, Mike. Keep the quality advice coming, all.
Gisli Ottarsson, PhD
Mechanical Dynamics Inc. gisli@adams.com
2301 Commonwealth Blvd. Tel: 1-734-913-2550
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 Fax: 1-734-994-6418